Construction of Classroom Buildings

In addition to the renovation of existing buildings on the property, Help for Ntoma funded the construction of two large classroom buildings to accomodate the growing student population.

Furnishings for Classrooms and Dormitories

Sleeping on a real mattress in a real bed is somewhat of a luxury for most of the students. Similarly,  many new desks and chairs were needed to accomodate the growing student population.

Purchase of a school bus

Most of the day-students walk for miles to make it to school. Still, there are many school-age children who just live too far away and have no means of transportation. To give those children the opportunity for a proper education a small school bus was purchased.  Even though the terrain is at times treacherous, the bus drivers are extremely skilled to get the students safely to school and back.

Purchase of commercial printer/copier

To provide proper education that prepares children for the future it requires adequate tools and equipment.  The rapid growth of the school's student population created the need for a printer/copier beyond the capabilities of a typical home ink-jet printer.  Help for Ntoma was able to provide the funds for the purchase.  Students and faculty celebrated its arrival!


Water Supply Line for the School

Like the orphanage, the school sourced its water by collecting rainwater in large tanks. This had become insufficient. Therefore, a water supply line was built from the well at the orphanage to the school, at a cost of approximately $10,000.